00005 REM "Run TAPVILTD from 'cron'"                                          
00010 DIM ]7$(400)                                                            
00020 OPEN(32690,OPT="OLIB",ERR=30)"VIP-OBJ"! Make sure you are not opening   
00030 OPEN(32700,OPT="OLIB")"IDOL-IV"       ! them in you IPL file, if so take
00040 ]7$(77,3)="TA4"                       ! them out                        
00050 ]7$(228,1)="A"                                                          
00060 CALL "IDPUB4",]6$,]7$,]8$,]9$                                           
00070 CALL "8ZPSYS",]SYSV$                                                    
00080 CALL "TAPSTVTL"                      ! Script that run TAPVITLD         
00090 RELEASE                              ! Releases out of Basic when done  
! Create a Script that looks like:                                            
!     CONNECT METHOD "TAPVITLD"                                               
!  Your Corrusponding IPL lines should look like:                             
!     DEV T0,5,,,,,null                                                       
!     IPL 1,2,T0,TABSTVTL